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Forest School

Forest Schools


Ballysally Nursery School is a partner in the Forest Schools Initiative and we use the local Cornfields Site.  Children grow in confidence in the natural environment and they learn to appreciate their surroundings.  Most importantly they learn to play co-operatively and creatively with their peers and they enjoy being in the outdoors whatever the weather! 




The Cornfields Site provides the children with an area which they can explore, play and learn in a positive fun way.  It provides opportunity to make choices, take risks and to develop life long skills.  Working in the forest environment fosters in the children a desire to care for it. 


We aim to visit Cornfield Forest School at least once per term.  Children will walk to the site with the nursery staff.    

Prior to attending the forest, staff will talk to children about what they will see, sounds they will hear and how to keep safe in the forest.  Challenges will be set for the children.  Activities such as bug hunt record sheets will be planned and discussed.  Children will be introduced to new equipment such as bug jars, binoculars and magnifying glasses.  We will look at some information books about forests and we will read a fiction book such as "The Gruffalo" to introduce the visit.   

Parents may be asked to accompany their child during the first visit and some may be eager to join the group on subsequent visits,

  • Opening Hours
  • Monday - Friday: 9am - 1:30 pm